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HTTP Status Code 414

The status code 414, also known as "Request-URI Too Long", means that the web address (URL) you tried to access is too lengthy for the server to understand. This is a relatively uncommon error.

There are a couple of reasons why you might encounter a 414 error:

  • URL with excessive data: The most common reason is a URL that contains too much data crammed into the query string (the part of the URL that follows the "?"). This can happen if a form is submitting a lot of information through a GET request instead of a POST request.
  • Redirect loops: Another cause is an endless loop of redirects. This happens when a web page is set up to redirect to another webpage, but that webpage then redirects back to the original page, and so on. This creates a super long URL.
  • Security breaches: In rare cases, a 414 error might be triggered by a malicious attempt to overload the server with an excessively long URL.

Here are some things you can do if you encounter a 414 error:

  • Shorten the URL: If you have control over the URL, try shortening it. You can often remove unnecessary parameters from the query string.
  • Contact the website owner: If you can't shorten the URL, report the error to the website owner so they can investigate the issue.

Other 4xx Status Codes

414 URI Too Long