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HTTP Status Code 411

The status code 411, also known as "Length Required", is an error message used in communication between web servers and clients (like web browsers). It indicates that the server rejected a request because it was missing a specific piece of information: the Content-Length header.

This header tells the server how much data to expect in the body of the request, which is usually important for handling large data transfers or requests sent in multiple parts. Without this information, the server can't properly process the request and sends back the 411 error.

Here's a breakdown of the 411 status code:

  • Cause: Missing or incorrect Content-Length header in the client's request.
  • When it happens: Typically with POST requests that include data in the body.
  • What it means: The server needs the Content-Length to know how much data to receive.

If you encounter a 411 error, it usually means there's an issue on the client-side (the device making the request). However, in rare cases, it could be due to server misconfiguration or network problems.

Other 4xx Status Codes

411 Length Required