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HTTP Status Code 302

Status code 302, also known as "Found," is a common code used for redirection on the web. It indicates that the resource you requested has been temporarily moved to a different location.

This means that when you try to access a webpage with a 302 code, your browser will automatically be sent to the new address. The new address is specified by the website in a hidden message called a "header."

Here are some key things to know about 302 redirects:

  • They are temporary: The new location may not always be the same, so browsers aren't supposed to remember it.
  • They can be caused by various reasons: A website might be under maintenance, or the content you requested may have been moved to a new folder.
  • Search engines don't treat them the same as permanent moves: While you'll be taken to the new location, search engines might still consider the original address to be the important one for ranking purposes.

Other 3xx Status Codes

302 Found